
Important aspects about ISO 9001

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ISO application

In our previous article about how it repels in the client the certificate of quality ISO 9001, we commented several aspects that we will extend next.

We have observed an important interest by this subject and for this reason we will deepen in the following aspects that we consider of great relevance in the norm ISO 9001:

  1. Planning of the production of the productPIROBLOC plans and develops the necessary processes for the accomplishment of the product. These processes determine:
    1. Objectives of the quality and the requirements for the product.
    2. Required activities of verification, validation, pursuit, measurement, inspection and tests.
    3. Registry of all the activities to demonstrate the fulfill of all the requirements.
  2. The constant communication with the client to determine what and how he wants it: PIROBLOC effectively determines and implements the communication with the client regarding the information on the product, consultations, contracts, modifications and complaints. We look for the feedback with the client through this constant communication and thus to obtain the continuous improvement at all levels.
  3. Determination of the requirements necessary to fulfill by our side, during the productive process: PIROBLOC determines the requirements specified and established by the client. Also we determine all the legal and prescriptive requirements, as well as, the additional ones that we considere necessary.
  4. To assure the homologation of the suppliers, concerning materials: PIROBLOC verifies that the acquired materials fulfill the specified requirements of purchase, assuring therefore the quality of the materials to be used. This control repels in the homologation of suppliers, establishing a qualitative index for each supplier.
  5. Analysis and measurement of the received feedback of the client, to continue improving:All contact established with the client before, during and after the production is registered and analyzed to measure the satisfaction of the client and to thus be able to improve any aspect in searching of the continuous improvement.

Please, do not hesitate in asking for more information on anyone of the mentioned points.