
Heat transmission fluids

Following with the thematic developed in our last blogs of year 2009 and to start correctly the present new year, we will speak now about the heat transmission fluids, being the most common:

  • Water
  • Steam
  • Smoke or stack gases
  • Glycerin
  • Thermal oil
WATER and STEAM. The water used in hot water boilers and steam ones (to produce this one) normally needs a previous treatment of decalcification, etc. to preserve the life of the boiler in which they are used, besides, sometimes, continuous purges of muds and foam that the process generates, which derives in energy losses. On the other hand, it usually is at the disposal of the users with facility and in abundance.

Basic characteristics: The water changes of state under atmospheric pressure at 100ºC, reason why if you wish to work with it over that temperature, you will have to increase the pressure, obtaining a product called High Pressure Hot Water.

Something similar it happens to the steam, with a result of the pressure-temperature saturation curve of steam (as example: 150ºC 5 bar a), obtaining in this case High Pressure Steam.

The design of the boilers can be PIROTUBULAR or ACQUATUBULAR, based on what is circulating through the tubes: if there are smokes or water.

In our next blog we will speak about the rest of heat transfer fluids.

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